ProductsElectrochlorination Systems
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Electrochlorination Systems

TERSUS® Seawater Electrochlorination Systems are a based on proven method of preventing marine & biological macro-fouling using superior equipment from Europe origin with energy efficient, long term plant operation.

TERSUS® ECP systems produces, insitu, a dilute, safe aqeous solution of sodium hypochlorite for direct injection into the cooling water circuit. Our state-of-the-art electrolyzer technology from europe original, available in a choice of basic cell designs - coupled with our long standing expertise managing disinfection projects with happy customer in India & worldwide. As a company, we emphasis on cost-effective, technically proven technologies in our product portfolio.

The production of hypochlorite (active chlorine) is based on passing a direct current through an aqueous solution of sodium chloride (NaCI), which is totally dissociated lo Na+ and Cl-; the following chemical and electrochemical reactions occur:

  • Free chlorine is generated al the anode:
    2Cl- ==> Cl2 + 2e-
  • Hydrogen is evolved al the cathode with the corresponding formation of hydroxyl ion:
    2 H2O + 2e- ==> 2OH- + H2
  • Then chlorine and hydroxyl ions react chemically producing hypochlorite and chloride:
    2 OH- + Cl2 ==> ClO- + Cl- + H2O
  • The overall chemical reaction can be expressed as follows:
    2 NaOH + Cl2 NaClO + NaCl + H2O
  • Then chlorine and hydroxyl ions react chemically producing hypochlorite and chloride:
    2 OH- + Cl2 ==> ClO- + Cl- + H2O
  • The overall chemical reaction can be expressed as follows:
    2 NaOH + Cl2 NaClO + NaCl + H2O
  • Side reactions, both chemical and electrochemical, take place simultaneously with the basic reactions, such as the decomposition of hypochlorite to chloride, the anodic oxidation of hypochlorite lo chlorate (traces only), the cathodic reduction of hypochlorite lo chloride and the anodic evolution of oxygen. All these side reactions affect the current efficiency so that D.C. power required lo produce hypochlorite is actually higher than the theoretical one.
Specific applications:
Ballast water treatments Desalination plant
Sea water intakes Fertilizer plants
Process water Oil & Gas plants
Process water Platforms/FPSO
Fire fighting and process water Power Plant
Condensers cooling water Power Plant
Cooling tower units Refineries - Process water